Our Struggle
Given that exploitation, alienation, indifference, discrimination and disregard for non-
normative identities and worker/class issues are given space in this country to grow,
firm actions, not detached speculations are necessary. The texts of our writers and the work we provide for social justice organization as publicists are intended to empower the masses to become cognizant of their power (the many) and the vulnerability of abusers of power (the few). The GroundUp has been committed to leftist anti-oppressive journalism and publicity work
for social justice organizations since 2013.
A cultural enquiry
The halls of academies may be hallowed and their journals prestigious and the hip and evocative leftist publication delivers an impressively holy and profane zine (printed or online) but we neither hold the reigning theoretical positions or the most provocative ones as satisfactory nor is art satisfactory to us because it yearns for change. We are a publication and cultural inquiry with texts and art that grapples with destiny and fights for transformation.
We reject the class of journalism and publishing that serves as a mouthpiece for authority figures
and celebrates the current order. We do not aim for journalistic "balance" (which
does not equal accuracy); we are openly – and proudly on the revolutionary left.