Samuel Spring's poetry and short fiction have appeared or will be appearing in great journals like The Wisconsin Review, The Centifictionist, BarBar, and Cosmic Double.

To be you is to be loved,
in limitless capacity and direction,
even when it may seem that the line
is dead and the sky more shallow.
To be you is to be warmed,
by the sun on your skin
and the blankets on your bed
and the tone which carries your words;
the nature of your soul.
To be you is to be within —
in the breaths that fill my lungs
and the movement of skin
and fiber and bone
my body learns and relearns
with each time we mix.
And to be me is to be thankful,
that I am to walk the earth
in the same place and time
and way that you do.
And to have been found.
So there we were,
in the heat of the afternoon.
The white houses like pockets
of snow marbling the chirping greenery.