Ani Bachan is a Toronto-based student and occasional writer. She has been published in Inlandia's Online Journal, The Showbear Family Circus, F3LL Magazine, and Phantom Kangaroo.

SUDDENLY i am a childless ewe with a running breast–
my body knows something i cannot
if you look at a white light and let your eyes go limp
the room will become a perfect bedsheet
if you look at a white wall and let your tongue soften
you will start to cry
if you look under the covers for a haircut
you will find it.
i am still looking for my child
i wet the cradle myself
i change the sheets into a white wall
i hold a tapeworm to my chest and let it suckle
like God, it lives inside me
oh God, i keep it like a needle in my lips
i know where i left it, i don’t know who put it there
i know who put it there but i LOVE my neighbour. i love her so much i’m mending her clothes.